
A simple state management solution based on hooks (can be replacement of dva in some cases).

We've already know that custom hooks is designed for sharing stateful logics between components(states are fully isolated). So what if we need a way to share both logic and state just like dva, mobx provided? @umijs/plugin-model is what you are seeking for.

how to enable

While hooks model file exists insrc/models.


There is convention here, we scan hooks model files only in src/models. And only valid custom hooks module will be registered.

hooks model file name will be the namespace you are going to learn in API/useModel section.

No black magic, hooks model file is just normal custom hooks module. See below example:


import { useState, useCallback } from 'react'
export default function useAuthModel() {
const [user, setUser] = useState(null)
const signin = useCallback((account, password) => {
// signin implementation
// setUser(user from signin API)
}, [])
const signout = useCallback(() => {
// signout implementation
// setUser(null)
}, [])
return {

@umijs/plugin-model will make states defined in hooks models as shared states automatically.

use model in components

See API/useModel


No configuration.



useModel is a custom hooks that provide developer the ability to consume hooks model:

import { useModel } from 'umi';
export default () => {
const { user, fetchUser } = useModel('user', model => ({ user: model.user, fetchUser: model.fetchUser }));
return <>hello</>

useModel has two arguments, namespace and updater.

  • namespace - file name of hooks model, for example, useAuthModel in above section.
  • updater - optional. We will need it only if rerender on demand is required(performance related).