Load component dynamically on demand.
Common use case:To reduce first screen download cost, component with huge implementation / dependency can be split in differnet bundle. Let's say we have component HugeA
with huge 3rd-party dependency, and this HugeA
will not be used in first screen, that means it can be split out. We shall use dynamic
in this case.
Why use dynamic
:It includes functions like split chunks
, async chunks loader
, loading state maintainance
, so developers is free from those technical details and is able to focus their business.
Usually work with dynamic import syntax.
Create dynamic component
import { dynamic } from 'umi';export default dynamic({loader: async function () {// webpackChunkName tells webpack create separate bundle for HugeAconst { default: HugeA } = await import(/* webpackChunkName: "external_A" */ './HugeA');return HugeA;},});
Use dynamic component
import React from 'react';import AsyncHugeA from './AsyncHugeA';// import as normal component// with below benefits out of box:// 1. download bundle automatically// 2. give a loading splash while downloading (customizable)// 3. display HugeA whenever component downloadedexport default () => {return <AsyncHugeA />;};
import { history } from 'umi';// history 栈里的实体个数console.log(history.length);// 当前 history 跳转的 action,有 PUSH、REPLACE 和 POP 三种类型console.log(history.action);// location 对象,包含 pathname、search 和 hashconsole.log(history.location.pathname);console.log(history.location.search);console.log(history.location.hash);
import { history } from 'umi';// 跳转到指定路由history.push('/list');// 带参数跳转到指定路由history.push('/list?a=b');history.push({pathname: '/list',query: {a: 'b',},});// 跳转到上一个路由history.goBack();
import { history } from 'umi';const unlisten = history.listen((location, action) => {console.log(location.pathname);});unlisten();
运行时插件接口,是 Umi 内置的跑在浏览器里的一套插件体系。
import { Plugin, ApplyPluginsType } from 'umi';// 注册插件Plugin.register({apply: { dva: { foo: 1 } },path: 'foo',});Plugin.register({apply: { dva: { bar: 1 } },path: 'bar',});// 执行插件// 得到 { foo: 1, bar: 1 }Plugin.applyPlugins({key: 'dva',type: ApplyPluginsType.modify,initialValue: {},args: {},async: false,});
运行时插件执行类型,enum 类型,包含三个属性:
Provides declarative, accessible navigation around your application.
import { Link } from 'umi';export default () => {return (<div>{/* A string representation of the Link location */}<Link to="/about">About</Link>{/* A string representation of the Link location,created by concatenating the location’s pathname,search, and hash properties*/}<Link to="/courses?sort=name">Courses</Link>{/* An object representation of the Link location */}<Linkto={{pathname: '/list',search: '?sort=name',hash: '#the-hash',state: { fromDashboard: true },}}>List</Link>{/* A function to which current location ispassed as an argument and which shouldreturn location representation as a stringor as an object*/}<Linkto={(location) => {return { ...location, pathname: '/profile' };}}/>{/* When true, clicking the link will replacethe current entry in the history stackinstead of adding a new one*/}<Link to="/courses" replace />{/*forward reference*/}<Linkto="/courses"innerRef={(node) => {// `node` refers to the mounted DOM element// or null when unmounted}}/></div>);};
A special version of the <Link>
that will add styling attributes to the rendered element when it matches the current URL.
import { NavLink } from 'umi';export default () => {return (<div>{/* same as Link */}<NavLink to="/about">About</NavLink>{/* The class to give the element when it is active.The default given class is active.This will be joined with the className prop*/}<NavLink to="/faq" activeClassName="selected">FAQs</NavLink>{/* The styles to apply to the element when it is active */}<NavLinkto="/faq"activeStyle={{fontWeight: 'bold',color: 'red',}}>FAQs</NavLink>{/* When true, the active class/style will only be appliedif the location is matched exactly.*/}<NavLink exact to="/profile" activeClassName="selected">Profile</NavLink>{/* When true, the trailing slash on a location’s pathnamewill be taken into consideration when determining ifthe location matches the current URL.*/}<NavLink strict to="/profile/" activeClassName="selected">Profile</NavLink>{/* A function to add extra logic for determining whetherthe link is active. This should be used if you want todo more than verify that the link’s pathname matchesthe current URL’s pathname.*/}<NavLinkto="/profile"exactactiveClassName="selected"isActive={(match, location) => {if (!match) {return false;}return location.search.includes('name');}}>Profile</NavLink></div>);};
Used to prompt the user before navigating away from a page. When your application enters a state that should prevent the user from navigating away (like a form is half-filled out), render a <Prompt>
import { Prompt } from 'umi';export default () => {return (<div>{/* The message to prompt the user with whenthey try to navigate away.*/}<Prompt message="Will you leave?" />{/* Will be called with the next location and action theuser is attempting to navigate to. Return a stringto show a prompt to the user or true to allow thetransition*/}<Promptmessage={(location) => {return location.pathname !== '/'? true: `Are are sure you want to back to home page?`;}}/>{/* Instead of conditionally rendering a <Prompt> behind a guard,you can always render it but pass when={true} or when={false}to prevent or allow navigation accordingly.*/}<Prompt when={formIsHalfFilledOut} message="Are you sure?" /></div>);};
You can get access to the history
, location
, match
objects via the withRouter
higher-order component. withRouter
will pass updated match
, location
, and history
props to the wrapped component whenever it renders
import { withRouter } from 'umi';export default withRouter(({ history, location, match }) => {return (<div><ul><li>history: {history.action}</li><li>location: {location.pathname}</li><li>match: {`${match.isExact}`}</li></ul></div>);});
The useHistory
hook gives you access to the history
instance that you may use to navigate.
import { useHistory } from 'umi';export default () => {const history = useHistory();return (<div><ul><li>history: {history.action}</li></ul></div>);};
The useLocation
hook returns the location
object that represents the current URL. You can think about it like a useState
that returns a new location whenever the URL changes.
import { useLocation } from 'umi';export default () => {const location = useLocation();return (<div><ul><li>location: {location.pathname}</li></ul></div>);};
returns an object of key/value pairs of URL parameters. Use it to access match.params
of the current route.
import { useParams } from 'umi';export default () => {const params = useParams();return (<div><ul><li>params: {JSON.stringify(params)}</li></ul></div>);};
The useRouteMatch
hook attempts to match the current URL in the same way that a Route would. It’s mostly useful for getting access to the match data without actually rendering a <Route />
import { useRouteMatch } from 'umi';export default () => {const match = useRouteMatch();return (<div><ul><li>match: {JSON.stringify(match.params)}</li></ul></div>);};
通过 package.json 的 main 字段露出,且不存在于 modules 字段里。
Umi 内核的 Service 方法,用于测试,或调用 Umi 底层命令。
umi 默认会依次(相对应用根目录)读取.umirc.ts
new Service({configFiles: ['.mycustomrc.ts', 'config/mycustom.ts'],// ... other options});
自定义用户配置文件通常用于基于 umi 或 umi-core 深度定制开发框架的场景。
utils 方法,给插件使用,和插件里的 api.utils 是同一个底层库。
用于校验和提示用户配置类型,详见配置#TypeScript 提示。